logo-colorBefore we blog our way into 2017, we wanted to take a moment to review the topics that we blogged about in 2016 and to remind our readers that the land use practice group at Farrell Fritz is a diverse group of attorneys, which is why the topics that we blog about are quite diverse.

For example, it is not

Continue Reading Farrell Fritz Land Use Blog – 2016 Year in Review

pumpkinsBeginning in 1974, Suffolk County enacted a series of laws, now codified as Chapter 8 of the Suffolk County Code, which sought to preserve agricultural lands. In exchange for paying an owner for the development rights of his/her farmland, the owner agreed to a covenant restricting the land to agricultural or open space. Between 1974 and 2010, more than 9,000

Continue Reading Suffolk County’s Program To Develop Preserved Farmlands Is Rejected By The Court

In prior posts, we discussed sand mining in Southampton, Pine Barrens Credits and the State Environmental Quality Review Act (“SEQRA”). A recent case out of Suffolk County touches on all three areas, so we decided to write a blog post on it.

pbmap_article_slideshow_03The case, Matter of the Application of the Long Island Pine Barrens Society, et al. v. The Central

Continue Reading Long Island Pine Barrens Society Has Standing To Challenge