Before we blog our way into 2017, we wanted to take a moment to review the topics that we blogged about in 2016 and to remind our readers that the land use practice group at Farrell Fritz is a diverse group of attorneys, which is why the topics that we blog about are quite diverse.
For example, it is not uncommon for our practice group to be involved in a large-scale transactional development project, while at the same time, we are drafting or answering an order to show cause; drafting easement agreements; exploring an adverse possession claim; resolving environmental issues; preparing, presenting and defending applications; and litigating our way through a criminal zoning code violation. Our diverse legal talents are reflected in the topics that we chose to blog about in 2016.
We started the 2016 blogging year, for example, discussing riparian rights, climate change, e-waste regulations, Pine Barrens credits and renewable energy. As the spring and summer approached, we tackled summer rental laws and the controversial role that Air BnB plays in short-term rentals. During this time, we also blogged about the increasing presence of Vape stores on Long Island and how municipalities are tackling Vape store land use regulations.
One very popular 2016 topic in the land use community focused on the use of Drones and Drone regulation. We will, of course, follow this developing topic in 2017, so be on the lookout for our Drone updates.
Likewise, and always a controversial land use topic, is the use of moratoriums. Last year we blogged about the Village of Patchogue’s and the Village of Sag Harbor’s use of moratoriums to slow Village development. We also addressed the hot topic of “zombie houses” by discussing not only what a “zombie house” is, but also blogged about legislation at the state, county and local levels aimed at combating the increasing number of zombie homes and decreasing the negative impact that these homes have on our communities.
And, always relevant topics in the land use arena, we blogged about easements, SEQRA, farmland preservation, special permits and variances, the Hamptons helicopter route, rezoning the East End in Moriches and Eastport, General Municipal Law 239-m referrals, and non-conforming uses.
Finally, no year in review would be complete without mention of Facebook and the pitfalls that all litigants face when they take to social media during the pendency of a land use lawsuit. Check out our post on the monetary and other sanctions that the Village of Pomona suffered.
The above is just a quick snapshot of the topics that we blogged about in 2016. We will kick off 2017 next Monday, January 9, 2016 with our new year’s post by Charlotte A. Biblow, Esq. We hope you enjoyed our year in review and that in the coming year, you will help us increase our readership by forwarding our posts to your colleagues and friends and inviting them to subscribe to our weekly blog by email.
Happy New Year to all.