In Dodge v. Baker, Plaintiff and Defendants are neighboring property owners of two parcels of land located in the Village of Sodus (the “Village”), in Wayne County, New York (the “Parcels”). Each parcel was created as the result of a subdivision by the original grantor, Sodus Bay Heights Land Co. (“Land Company”), at some point between 1924 and 1937.
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Village’s Denial of a Permit to Fence-Off Private Road Subject to Claim for Inverse Condemnation
By Farrell Fritz P.C. on
Posted in Land Use Regulations, Zoning Board
In the Village of Bayville, New York (“Village”), a landowner wished to enclose and protect private property (“Lot 18”) , including the roadway thereon, against trespassers and traffic. The landowner sought to erect crash gates on both sides of its property and across the roadway to prevent public access. The road upon Lot 18 forms a …
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