Recently, in On Point Window Treatment, Inc. v. 208 Clinton Place, LLC, 2024 N.Y. Slip Op. 50241 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2024), the Kings County Supreme Court held that even when paired with an insurance procurement requirement, a landlord could not rely on an indemnity clause negotiated into its lease to exempt such landlord from liability.

Under General Obligations Law §

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When it comes to pre-acquisition environmental due diligence, a properly prepared Phase I ESA is the ounce of prevention that is worth a pound of cure.  Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (“Phase I ESA”) are a routine due diligence requirement of any commercial transaction involving real estate.  A Phase I ESA generally consists of four main components, including a site
Continue Reading ASTM Adopts New Phase I ESA Standard – Impact to Environmental Diligence and CERCLA Affirmative Defenses