With prospects of featuring its history and architecture on screen, the Village of Amityville (“Amityville“) has been considering adopting a local law to regulate filming and photography for movies, television and commercials. The purpose of the proposed law is to minimize the adverse impact of these activities for village businesses and residents, while simultaneously creating a framework for allowing them in such a way to showcase Amityville, and encourage concomitant benefits.
At its meeting on December 14, 2020, the Amityville Board of Trustees unanimously voted to call for a public hearing on January 11, 2021, to consider a local law to add Chapter 80 “Filming and Photography” to the Village Code (“Filming Law“). The proposed Filming Law prohibits persons from filming or using photography for the production of movies, television shows or commercials on any public property within Amityville without a permit (“Filming Permit“) from the Board of Trustees. It also prohibits persons from allowing others to so film and photograph.
The Board of Trustees has the authority to set forth the terms and conditions of any Filming Permit to protect the health, safety and welfare of Amityville residents. The terms and conditions must include:
- A term;
- Hours of operation;
- Required insurance and indemnification provisions;
- Fee amount;
- Reimbursement of actual police and public works service costs incurred for the permitted activities;
- Deposit or letter of credit for reimbursement and potential damages;
- Parking restrictions for cast, crew and equipment;
- Written notice of scheduled activities be sent to all residents within 300 feet of the filming site at least 72 hours before commencement of activities; and
- If the activities will use firearms, explosives devices or other inherently dangerous activities, then written notice thereof be sent to Amityville police and the fire department at least 72 hours before commencement of activities.
The Filming Permit fee shall be fixed from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees. The Mayor may suspend a Filming Permit for violations of any of its terms and conditions, pending cure, and the Board of Trustees may revoke a Filming Permit for failure to cure.
Although the Amityville Horror was filmed in New Jersey, Long Island’s historic village is preparing to be a worthwhile venue for future filming and production.