In Akeson v Inc. Vil. of Asharoken, 2019 NY Slip Op 32756(U), Index No. 57/2018 (Sup Ct, Suffolk County 2019), the Supreme Court dismissed a petition challenging the Incorporated Village of Asharoken’s (“Asharoken”) decisions to deny permits for the construction of seasonal and removable docks at two residential properties along Northport Bay. The two properties lie
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Drawing a Line in the Sand: Court Defines Southampton Trustees’ Authority To Regulate Erosion Protection Structures Along the Shoreline

By John C. Armentano on
Posted in Environmental, Town Law
In an area of shifting sands, the Suffolk County Supreme Court in Semlear, et al. v. Albert Marine Construction, Inc., delineated property rights landward of the crest of the dune, the “line of demarcation”, and the rights of the Southampton Town Trustees to regulate the placement of shoreline protection structures along the beaches of the Atlantic Ocean. The Town Trustees…